时间:2015-06-04 17:55:57 来源:全球阀门网 点击量:165
据道琼斯6月3日消息,墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)表示,公司已经和美国资产管理公司黑石集团组成团队加快能源基础设施项目的融资和开发,这对于墨国油来说是优先发展的战略。此前今年3月份黑石集团和美国能源股权公司First Reserve在墨国油的一个天然气管线项目上投资9亿美元。墨国油已经表示,公司正在为其巨大的基础设施项目寻求投资,以加快石油的勘探和开采。
Pemex, BlackRock Team Up on Energy Investments
Mexico's national oil company Petroleos Mexicanos and US asset manager BlackRock (BLK) team up "to accelerate the development and financing of energy infrastructure projects that are a strategic priority for Pemex," the oil firm says. The collaboration comes after BlackRock and US energy-equity firm First Reserve penned a landmark $900M investment in a Pemex natural-gas pipeline in March. Pemex has said it's seeking investments in its vast infrastructure to free up cash for its core oil exploration and production activities.
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