您当前位置: 企业通> 产品库>商务服务>传媒广电>编辑制作设备>汉德电气公司CRS825 618C高压共轨试验台厂家

汉德电气公司CRS825 618C高压共轨试验台厂家











汉德电气CRS825高压共轨燃油泵喷油器试验台,检测KAT BOSCH DENSO DELPHI等系列油泵喷油器性能,系统数据准,工具配送,操控方便;he test bed is a high pressure common rail integrated test bed. The equipment is beautiful and generous, and the display control part can be traced to the need to rotate the position Angle by itself. The test standard technology of mature electronic injection high pressure common rail oil pump injector technology and electronic inje13854822395ction single pump not nozzle (EUI/EUP) medium pressure common rail (HEUI) oil pump injector test is used for reference. Realize the system detection of various kinds of electronic high pressure common rail oil pump injector and electronic monomer pump pump nozzle EUI EUP and HEUI actuating pump C7 C9 C-9 C13 3126B and other medium pressure common rail injector Cummins Carter actuating pump 320D and other pump injector.


High pressure common rail integrated test bench equipment comes with standard test data of various electric fuel injection pump injector (more than 3500 kinds). The system test bench simulates ECU to output fuel injection control signal, and drives common rail high pressure common rail oil pump and high pressure common rail injector and electronic control unit pump medium pressure common rail (EUI HEUI) to work together. In order to achieve the testing purpose of high pressure common rail oil pump and common rail injector and single pump pump nozzle. Piezoelectric high pressure common rail injectors can also be teste

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