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Hydraulic cylinder test method and operation

Welcome to use Tai 'an Donglai Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., LTD. Hydraulic cylinder: DL-YG8-11KW-double station

Turn on the total power: the plc machine automatically starts, fills the pump station to the upper limit of the oil level meter, clicks, reverses the touch screen, the motor starts, rotates the potentiometer, and turns the speed to 1450.

First, hydraulic cylinder test run: The hydraulic cylinders are in place at each station, the "hydraulic cylinder factory test record table" is prepared, the hydraulic cylinder code is manually recorded, the hydraulic cylinder is connected well (two hydraulic cylinders can be tested at the same time), the electromagnetic valve is driven to the test cylinder position, the relief valve is rotated, the pressure is adjusted to the required pressure of the hydraulic cylinder, the condition of each key part is checked, and the hydraulic cylinder is reversed by operating the one-cylinder two-cylinder reversing valve.

2. Starting pressure of hydraulic cylinder: pre-connect the pressure gauge and sensor to the measured working chamber, manually measure the digital pressure gauge, operate the electro-hydraulic reversing valve after reversing, slowly adjust the control handle of the relief valve until the hydraulic cylinder starts, then observe and record the pressure value on the pressure gauge. Run 2-3 cycles for exhaust, the number of cycles can be adjusted, mainly to observe whether the cylinder has a long s出口型液压机油泵齿轮柱塞泵油缸综合试验台troke crawling, serious shaking, short stroke hydraulic cylinder parallel running whether there is a stuck and other abnormal state.

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