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内燃机车 船用喷油器雾化密封试验台 精达动力机械











内燃机车 船用喷油器雾化密封试验台 精达动力机械制造厂生产;

Electric injection high pressure common rail injector test bed

The high pressure common rail injector test equipment of diesel high pressure common rail injector, using BOSCH CP3.3 common rail oil pump to provide high pressure source, equipment built-in more than 4000 kinds of common rail injector standard data, can detect BOSCH DENSO DELPHI Siemens and other standard electric injection injector and piezoelectric crystal injector performance.

Main functions:

1, frequency conversion drive common rail oil pump to produce 2100--2400bar pressure

2, real-time detection of jet drive and system voltage.

3, built-in common rail fuel injector standard database, free upgrade, users can also add data freely

4, the common rail fuel injector standard database is equipped with the control waveform data of each type of fuel injector, and can detect the inductance performance of the fuel injector solenoid valve.

5, can detect Bosch, Denso, Delphi, Siemens and other brands and piezoelectric high pressure common rail injector.

6, detect the DRV valve control current.

7, injection and return oil volume automatic measurement, screen display

8, industrial computer control, can generate test data reports.

9. Start oil detection.

10. Detect the opening pressure of common rail injector

11. Test the tightness of the common rail injector

12. Detect idle condition of common rail injector

13. Detect the full load condition of common rail injector

14. Detect the starting condition of common rail injector

15. Detect the pre-injection condition of common rail injector

16, test the high pressure washing function of common rail injector

17. Data can be updated online and remotel

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