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经济适用款 电喷高压共轨喷油泵喷油器试验台











经济适用款 电喷高压共轨喷油泵喷油器试验台;

The EDC oil quantity measurement digital common rail test bench researched by us has long been praised by the majority of users both at home and abroad.The biggest advantage of this equipment: combine the advantage of oil quantity measurement digital test bench and Electronic Controller test bench. It overcomes the error that occurs in traditional test bench which can only use macroscopic to observe cylinder. Furthermore, it integrates various of date of electronic controller common rail injector display CRS common rail adjustable tester. All the process is operated by the EDC. The standard parameter of electronic controller high pressure common rail injector is ready to look. Timely injection quantity, oil return flow and some other operating condition and parameter can be displayed on the EDC LCD screen. Its appearance hasa historic significance in electronic controller high pressure common rail tester industry.
    The host transmission of the test bench uses frequency conversion; the pulse width and frequency of the injector drive signal is adjustable; short-circuit protection function; real-time measure the orbital pressure with high-pressure protection function; test six injector at the same time.
The pump /injector type can test: BOSCH , SIEMENS , DELPHI , DENSO(On request)
01.19"LCD, ECD main board, computer control.
02.More paragraphs voltage output automatic control, meeting different common rail injector driver requirements
03.LCD high pressure common rail injector injection frequency, drive pulse-width automatic control
04.Automatic control to the trial fuel flow regulator, control to the trial fuel flow
05.Automatically achieves fuel rail pressure, and high accuracy reaches ±1MPa
06.Manually option to open loop or loop control modesWith frequency conversion step less speed adjustment

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