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  • 联系人:梁华
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  • 电话号码:0312-8100137
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  • Email地址:1151634174@qq.com
  • 公司地址:河北省保定市莲池区百楼乡头台村村北

The introduction of conventional Accropode template is based on the summary of long-term production experience of this kind of mold, because from the style of Accropode

In terms of structure, it is mainly four feet and protruding in the middle. With the improvement of production capacity, its production efficiency is also increasing

Strong. From the production history of Baoding Jianxin mould, it can be seen that there are four legged hollow blocks and breakwaters used in the breakwater

Wave block, quadruped cone, permeable frame, etc. as one of the most widely used, the Accropode block is suitable for the construction of coastline

Especially on the coast with large waves, many such precast blocks are used.